Confessions Of A Brazilian Waxing Queen


In my beauty bag: Michelle Ang The cheerleader effect It’s safe to say that someone who says the worst part of their job is when “clients break wind in my face” has a few interesting stories to tell. “It’s all part of the job,” laughs Brazilian waxing specialist Svetlana Burckhardt, director of EyebrowExperts and author of Confessions of a Brazilian Waxing Queen. She’s so good at the waxing technique that she’s developed the renowned Seven Minute Brazilian. “It takes customers longer to get a carpark than it does to get their wax,” she laughs. Svetlana teaches beauticians her unique technique, and this Brazilian Whisperer says she can close her eyes and free hear if the wax strip is being pulled correctly. It was Carrie Bradshaw’s “trip to Brazil” in Sex and the City in the late ’90s that has been credited for the popularity of the procedure in which all the hair from the pubic area is removed. Svetlana says that popularity has slightly declined over recent years with some preferring the laser alternative, but adds that the women, and the brave minority of men, who are devoted to the Brazilian commonly say it makes them feel “cleaner” and “sexier”.

Waxing Brazilian… and Beyond: A New Guide to Going Bare Down There

Is it like a national anthem or a state bird? Do other countries and groups have their own waxes too? (Hey, anything is better than thinking about what’s happening to your girly bits.) Herewith is a list, plucked from my own imagination and ripped off from friends (yes, drinking was involved): American Wax — It took eight years, but we finally got rid of our bush. Norwegian Wax — Plenty of forest but you can see the fjords. Government Shutdown Wax — Two words: fur low. Al Qaeda Wax — Video tape of your torture session sent to Al Jazeera. Tea Party Wax — Wants lower waxes. Pulls painfully hard to the right, but should leave you with no coverage.

No Brazilian wax, no job: Pittsburgh spa allegedly fires woman for refusing to get waxed

The European Wax Center did not wish to chime in on the controversy when the Daily News asked for its perspective.

Finley knew she would need to perform Brazilian waxes, the complete removal of the hair down there. But she says she felt humiliated last October when she was told it is a mandatory part of the salon’s training. RELATED: PUBIC HAIR WAXING MAY LEAD TO SPREAD OF SKIN VIRUS: RESEARCHERS Finley did not want her coworkers to see or “touch her anus and genitalia,” according to the complaint. “She did not feel comfortable receiving the procedure, particularly by her coworkers,” her attorney Vincent J. Mersich reiterated. The European Wax Center did not wish to chime in on the controversy when the Daily News asked for its perspective. “She did view the dynamic of a professional-client relationship as different from one between coworkers.” Finley was also scheduled to begin menstruating that day and anticipated heightened sensitivity in her nether region. The corporate trainer told her, “Put in a fresh tampon and take ibuprofen and you’ll be fine,” according to the complaint. Thats when her boss fired her, she said.

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